What did you harvest this Fall?

As I wrote in a previous LLG article this past Spring, after being inspired by watching the film, "Field of Dreams". The film's motto was, "If you built it, it will come." So those seeds he planted eventually became corn and the dreams of his past became a reality in his cornfields for his present.

So I was asking the big question, for you to think about planting seeds of ideas and setting intentions for yourself for new growth in your life this year.

So here it is, 8 months later.

What do you harvest this fall from your spring seeds?

For me, most of my goals were so big that I had to not only think about my specific harvest this year but how a solid foundation would allow them all to continue to grow and blossom better than before, every year. I set intentions from these for both personal and professional goals to grow and harvest by the end of fall.

Even though most of my goals are still blooming, I know that in life, it often takes more than one or even many seasons to see the full harvest. Just like in crops, most plants, flowers and or vegetables don't grow overnight. I have experienced that often great things do take time in life. One of the hardest lessons I have learned that growth and change in life aren't always on my desired timeline. Maybe the seeds I planted this spring, didn't grow as full or as fast I thought it would or should. But the important thing is that I DID plant them.

I have found that true growth is what you want to achieve with a solid foundation and room for continued growth.

Sometimes things grow due to the weather; light rain, drought or even unforeseen heavy storm.

Sometimes the storms of life make the harvest richer.

Sometimes it even can result in a second growth of the crop in the same year.

I feel grateful to say that I can look back at this past year and see all the hard work of my own growth in so many ways. No, I have not reached my full potential in all of the areas I wanted, but so grateful for the improvement of true growth and important life shifts and changes. I am even more grateful for clipping the dead ends in my life that no longer serve me or my future. Getting rid of the dead crops and weeds are just important to the growth of your entire crop. Without getting rid of them, they get in the way of (my) a full and rich harvest, both present and future.

For me, this year has also been a clearing of unnecessary things that I finally knew would get in the way of my own growth. I know from experience in my past planted seeds in my life, that often it took me years of failing crops to know how to plant correctly and when, how to tend to them and when and then how to perfect my own personal crops. When things do finally fully bloom, the long wait in-between seasons was worth it, to then finally reap your rewards.

What a true gift we all have each year, that we get to decide when it's time to plant a NEW kind of crop and in what area of one's life. To then fully enjoy for your next season or for sometimes even next year's bounty.

Since Thanksgiving is hours away, be sure to take some time to reflect, give thanks with gratitude for your own growth this past year - however big or small.

Then take time to give more thanks and gratitude for your bountiful crops that are to come.

Wishing you and yours a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for this platform and to those who have supported it and me, past, present and future.

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