Hello Spring - time to plant your foundation.

It’s officially here–spring, and for me I have always found this time of year to be a symbolic rebirth of new beginnings. You know why? During this time, I found myself planting the ideas, setting intentions (seeds if you will) that have brought me to life I’m currently experiencing. But it’s all in hindsight…I forgot that growth takes time, both in life and with flowers, but when things do finally bloom, it’s so worth the wait.

Recently I watch the film, 'Field of Dreams" for the hundredth and one time and as I was watching it, I realized that it was released in the spring of 1989. It is officially 30 years ago, so crazy how time flies! I remember seeing it for the first time when it was released when I was in high school, even though it feels just like it was yesterday. You know when you are seeing a great film because all these years later, it still holds up and then some. Seeing it again, reminded me that we need many more films with this kind of positive messages to be made again. Quality films to remind us that anything is possible in life if you just believe.

The famous line in the film, "If you build it - he will come." is the basis for the whole film. To give a quick recap if you haven’t seen it, Ray is a farmer living in Iowa with his wife and daughter, who had cornfield, where " a voice" told him to build it and ''he would come." He didn't know all the answers to why but he did it by “going the distance” and trusting that something wonderful would happen if he did. Boy did it ever. He built the baseball field, took direction from the voice, trusted it and his gut and went on a journey to piece it all together and then came home to find so many magical things happen. The Chicago White Sox's appeared out of the cornfields to play baseball again, writer Terrance Mann from Boston joined this journey because of Ray. They also met a young player Archie "Moonlight" Graham who played a huge role in the film to show you what it's like to have destiny right in front of you, miss it and the only to have a new meant to be destiny present itself for him. As the film is coming to a close, baseball player, Shoeless Joe Jackson, an idol to both Ray and his own estranged deceased Father, John Kinsella, showed him was all this was for. He "build it" and it did "ease his pain", it was all for Ray's Father.

The important and inspirational message(s) to this entire story was that Ray did all these things trusting that his life would change for the better. Not just for him, his family and others, but the ripple effect was limitless. During this whole journey, the family had no money left and they were on the verge of losing the farm. Despite the hardship, he did this journey anyway - trusting the outcome would work out. By having FAITH without knowing HOW, but trusting it WOULD. He even prepared at the beginning of the film with building the field, just as players do for baseball's spring training for their own season. In the hopes of a winning season.

So as most of you already know, it did all work out in the end and then some. For those of you who don't know, please still go watch the movie regardless of reading and seeing this article’s spoiler alerts and still witness the magic. Just be prepared to cry tears of joy because it will make you believe that anything is possible.

I am a huge lover of baseball and going to a live professional baseball game has been a love of mine since my Dad took me to games as a little girl, something we still do today. The great experience about baseball games is the long innings under the bright lights, the environment of the ballpark, the smells, the sounds, the exciting plays, and it is a game with precise skill and timing. When a team is fully prepared for a season, there is no telling what they can accomplish, including the ultimate prize, winning the world series.

It can be the same for you in your life.

Spring time is the perfect time for you to plant the seeds of growth.

So perhaps you need are wanting to start your own business or looking to change careers. Maybe you are thinking about dating again after a bad breakup or painful divorce but you are scared to love again. Maybe you are in remission from cancer and exhausted even thinking about your road of recovery. Or maybe you are thinking about moving to a new city to start a whole new life, you are just not sure how you can make this happen. Maybe you are ready to get back into shape again and as we all know, that definitely takes time, because getting back into shape and losing weight does not happen overnight. But we all have to start somewhere and the key is that you are starting, no matter what your goal is.

Here's a life mantra for you I want you to write down and post it in your home:

Every single thing that you want to achieve in your life, you will have to prepare yourself and work for it in order for it to eventually appear, grow and bloom.

So think about exactly what it is that you want to achieve by the end of this year, or maybe you need more time than others for your achievement. That’s ok because maybe your goal will appear next spring or even the spring after that, when the flowers are in bloom again. Remember starting is key but when you bloom is about you and your goals, no one else's. So the first step is to plant the seeds of your goals with gratitude, build the foundation with positive intention with the tools that you have and work on it every day with love; just like the water feeds the seeds to have the flowers beautifully bloom.

Trust me when I say: "If YOU build it -- it WILL come."

But remember that time waits for no one, so if you want to make great changes in your life, now is the time to begin. Don't rush, don't race, just start. Please don't wake up with regret in 10, 20 or even 30 years that you didn't build the life you always dreamed of and wanted to have. The life you can have. Remember that with each day you will make small steps and progress. With each week, month and even year, you are building your strong foundation to prepare you for your winning season and even seasons.

So build it, ease your own pain, and yes you must go the distance.

Trust me it will be worth it. When it happens, it will all feel like you won the world series in life.

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